Depression affects everything you put energy into. It’s a serious mental illness that leaves you feeling hopeless, like the walls are closing in, with no way out. The mental effects are followed by physical changes. Here, you’ll learn common signs of depression and ways to mitigate it. It’s hard to see a loved one struggle. It’s worse to go through it alone. Well, you’re not alone. We aim to help you breakthrough and find your happiness again.
What does depression feel like?
Depression is like carrying around weights every day. Activities you once loved are now joyless. Every task. Every interaction is a struggle. You’re stuck in your head feeling guilty. Guilty for events in the past. Guilty for not being good enough. Guilty for living. Life is dull and filled with suffering. Furthermore, everything is hard. The mental energy for the simplest tasks seems unbearable.
COVID-19 has only amplified these feelings. During the lockdown we’ve lost many of our normal coping mechanisms. Work and social interactions have a healing power. They force us out of that mental prison even if just temporarily. Being around people can shift our perspective or comfort us on the bad days. Now we are isolated and out of work. The world has become darker.
Not all is lost. This too shall pass. There are alternative ways to beat depression. We must look for signs of depression to proactively take action before it’s too late. The next section lays them out in-depth.
Signs of depression
- Problems sleeping
- Sleeping issues depend on the person. Some will have trouble getting to sleep. The mind runs on overtime as soon as their eyes shut. It is incredibly frustrating, especially as days turn into weeks. Each day becomes clouded. Many feel like they’re going crazy. On the flip-side, all some can do is sleep. Sleep in the only escape from a cool, cruel world. As sleep affects relationships and appointments, depression increases, and engaging with life becomes more difficult. The body shuts down.
- Moodiness
- Depression hits in many ways. The complex emotions inside come out in the form of anger. Some might take more risks like abusing narcotics to feel something, anything. You might go from rage over something minuscule to non-stop crying. Your mind is trying to deal with the disease and knows something is very wrong.
- Low energy
- Depression can suck the life out of you. Small chores, require so much energy. Everything from brushing your teeth to washing the dishes becomes difficult. Anger can follow. Since fatigue takes over, every movement is affected. Some days are worse than others. These symptoms tend to increase over time.
- Anxiety
- Fear over the future. Judgment from the past. They increase levels of anxiety. The person is sick and the mind becomes disconnected from reality. Worries run constantly in your head and some become increasingly irrational. To the point of panic. Stress at work, being isolated during a viral outbreak, or the end of a relationship can trigger these symptoms. These are just a few, anxiety is constantly running in the background, even without an obvious source.
- Changes in appetite
- Eating becomes a big issue. On one end, you have the person eating too much. The food is a coping mechanism. It releases endorphins and replaces the absent happiness. Only, for a short while. This becomes worse and obsessive. To the point where it’s unstoppable.
- Alternatively, others won’t eat. They can’t. Food has no taste and offers little pleasure. They become weaker and malnourished. Sometimes to the point of hospitalization.
A silver lining…
Depression hard to live with and our species is just now learning more about it. COVID-19 has hit hard, but we are in this together. If you are suicidal, amazing people willing to help. Please, call:
The Suicide Hot-line: 1-800-273-8255
Everyone goes through many struggles in their lives. A few things that help are:
- Getting some sunlight
- Going on a walk
- Meditation
- Talk to a friend
- Exercising
Expressing yourself, as the creator of your reality, can build up momentum to pull yourself out of this. Through correct action we move forward. This means starting a business or making pottery. Doing things for others.
The mind will play tricks on you. Making things worse than they are. It creates drama where none exists. So, what is your self talk saying to you? Tune into it now and then. Monitor and change it if you can. We have a habit of tearing ourselves down for silly mistakes. We beat ourselves up constantly with our internal voice. It says things like
“You’ll never amount to anything”
“You’re a bad person”
“You’ll never make it, why even try”
It’s wrong though. In every way. You are worth it. You’re unique and have capabilities that no one else has. You’re stronger than this disease. You just got lost in the dark, so now it’s time to let your internal light shine, once more. It’s always been there and can never be extinguished. Have a great day.
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